PHONE: 954-258-6558
About Tutoring By Educators
Tutoring By Educators is a tutoring and consulting firm. We offer virtual services, in-person private and group sessions, home-school evaluations and ESE consulting for private and charter schools. We are currently servicing students all over the United States from the comfort of their home.
Our mission at Tutoring By Educators is simple: to provide high-quality services for our valued clients. Our team goes above and beyond to cater to each student's specific needs. Each tutor is a Certified Educator. Through open communication and exceptional service, we hope you’ll find what you’re looking for with our tutoring service. For more information or general inquiries, get in touch today.
1 hr
1 hr
1 hr
1 hr
60 US dollars1 hr
15 min
1 hr
Registration Fee
Our Testimonials
Satisfied Clients
At Tutoring By Educators, we strive to understand our customers’ experiences while working with us so that we can improve our services. Take a look below at what our former and returning clients have to say.
I just wanted to give you an update on Jordyn as you can see she's doing really well and her work ethic and determination is commendable. Her dad and I wanted to thank you for all your hard work and dedication. We don't think she would be this focused and dedicated regarding her classwork without the work you did for her last year. Thank you so much.
My daughter has attended 4 sessions so far with Miss Trisha. During that short period of time my daughter is now starting to feel more comfortable with doing her long division and multiplication problems. I can already see a boost in her confidence and eagerness to learn. But most importantly, I enjoy the outburst of excitement when she's getting the answers right on her own! I am confident that I have found a group of educators that will get my daughter to where she needs to be academically. Looking forward to many more success stories! Thank you for your professionalism.
Here is a praise report! Prior to Ms. Johnson coming on board, my daughter was a D student in Language Arts/Reading. She is now an A+ student in that subject. Her teacher said she jumped from a 1st grade level to a 4th grade level on comprehension. She said she is 70% ready for 6th grade; however, she is confident that she will be ready before the end of the school year. Thank you and your agency!